
The purpose of my blog is to share with you what I have learned based on my experience as a practicing forester in California and Washington and as the general contractor in our former homestead in Mendocino County, California and our current homestead in Kittitas County, WA. As a forester, for more than a decade, I have practiced forestry within the context of a strong land ethic that endeavors to balance economic return with the beauty, clean water, clean air, wildlife habitat, recreation and carbon storage offered by well managed forests. As home and property owners, my family and I challenge ourselves to make our footprint smaller, through conservation, sourcing quality materials from well managed sources as close to home as possible and use of alternative technologies within a budget. Thank you for visiting my blog and I hope that the information provided will help you as a steward of the forest and in the place that you call home.

December 25, 2005

Why widespread tree mortality is not prevalent in coastal forests?

By Thembi Borras

During the last six months, since I have been producing articles, the most popular interest of readers has been causes and management of tree decline and mortality. Ironically, I left college believing that coastal forests were little afflicted by diseases and insects and that all of the serious problems were found in the Sierran and southern mountain ranges. While I continue to learn the numerous insects and diseases that cause decline and mortality of trees in coastal forests, coastal forests do not suffer the widespread tree mortality that shock certain communities, like Lake Tahoe and Lake Arrowhead. Why isn't widespread tree mortality prevalent in coastal forests?

Firstly, insect outbreaks become epidemic, causing widespread tree mortality, more often than disease outbreaks and insect outbreaks are more prevalent in dry regions as compared to outbreaks of disease, which are more prevalent in moist regions. Some insect genera emit pheromones, a potent chemical that attract other insects that can result in a population explosion, whereas the rate of spread of diseases is regulated by its vectors, such as wind and water, and is comparatively slower. Generally, in our coastal forests, trees die individually or in relatively small groups, resulting in little impact at the landscape level.

Secondly, single species forests are more prevalent in the Sierras. Single species forests are more susceptible to widespread mortality because a different tree species that may not be susceptible to a host specific insect is not present to break up the progression of the outbreak.

Thirdly, pines are more prevalent in the Sierran and southern mountain ranges and certain tree species, such as pine, are more susceptible to insect infestation. In fact, some of the most damaging forest epidemics are in pine forests.

Another reason that I did not learn as much about the diseases and insects that cause tree decline and mortality in coastal forests is because less is known about them. There is a comprehensive and accessible body of work about Sierran insects and diseases because the large amount of publicly owned land and visible widespread tree mortality in the Sierras has been a recipe for money, research and lands on which to do that research.

A portion of this production was gleaned from a conversation with Jack Marshall, Forest Pathologist at the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection. If you have a local disease or insect question for Jack Marshall, he can be reached at Howard Forest in Willits at 707-459-7448.

December 11, 2005

Best Wood for Burning

By Thembi Borras

What is the best tree species for firewood? The answer is a function of abundance, availability, splitability, presence or lack thereof of messy sap, density and energy content.

The most abundant hardwood in the managed timberland on which I work is tanoak. The most available species for a low price or free are the less dense hardwoods and conifers, in fact I have found it hard to give pine and willow away. The most splitable woods are species that tend to have straight grain. Others have entangled fibers and can be very difficult to split. Some wood splits easiest when green such as live oak, madrone and tanoak and some split much easier when dry and brittle, such as fir and some pines. Obviously the conifers have the messy sap, and are not preferred because of their sap. Many people believe that burning sap will lead to excessive accumulations of creosote. However, if the wood burning system is functioning properly, above normal levels of creosote should not accumulate. The easiest and best fire is built by using a mixture of both softwoods and hardwoods. Softwoods start burning easily, and the hardwoods provide for long burning and good "coaling" qualities.

All wood, regardless of species, has about the same energy content per pound. The different species vary only in density. The higher the density, the higher the energy content per cord. A cord is 4' high by 4' deep and is 8' long. Energy content is often measured in British Thermal Units (BTUs). The following are the approximate number of BTUs produced per cord burned of local species: willow 18, redwood and grand fir 19, big leaf maple 22, western hemlock 23, California bay, black walnut and Douglas-fir 25, tanoak, white oak and black oak 27, madrone 30 and live oak 35.

Most folks will say madrone is the best tree species for firewood, but I encourage you to consider other species, which may be more available, less expensive and may be burnt regardless, in slash piles or wildland fires, without the benefit of heating your home. Ultimately, it is more important to have wood that is cut and split to the right size and properly dried than it is to get the most dense wood available.

For more information, visit the website and, from which this production was gleaned.

December 4, 2005

A Well Designed Wood Burning System

By Thembi Borras

A well-designed wood burning system embodies building a strong draft quickly, so a new fire is easy to start. When a fire is started, smoke should not spill into the room and excessive creosote should not accumulate. When a fire is not burning a cold draft should not come down the chimney. A well-designed wood burning system is a pleasure to use and the kind of system you want in your home.

There are ten design characteristics of a successful stove or fireplace system, they are:

1. The chimney runs inside the heated space of the home.
2. The chimney penetrates near the high point of the heated space.
3. The chimney is tall enough, beyond where it penetrates the roof, its top is clear of obstacles and it has a chimney cap.
4. The chimney flue is insulated and is the correct size for the appliance.
5. The conduit from the appliance runs straight up from the appliance and has no offsets.
6. The appliance and venting system are well sealed.
7. The stove or fireplace is EPA certified for safety and emissions.
8. If the system is installed in a tightly sealed house, the house has a balanced ventilation system.
9. If a large exhaust fan, such as a downdraft kitchen range exhaust, is present, it is electrically interlocked to a fan-forced make-up air system.
10. The appliance is operated by an informed user and regularly maintained.

These design characteristics function to keep the chimney gasses warmer than the heated space for as long as possible to keep the gases moving as quickly as possible, which facilitates beneficial draft and minimizes creosote buildup. These design characteristics also function to balance the air going out with the air coming in. This prevents the house from becoming depressurized, a symptom of which is smoke spillage and a cold draft from the chimney when there is no fire.

For more information, visit the website, from which this production was gleaned.